Nene Thomas Fairies
Nene Thomas Fairies - Onderstaande beeldjes zijn ontworpen door Nene Thomas (o.a. bekend geworden door haar tekeningen voor de Magic the Gathering kaarten), zijn gemaakt door dragonsite en vervaardigd van koud gegoten porselein. De fraaie beeldjes zijn in een gelimiteerde oplage van 1800 stuks of 2400 stuks per beeldje vervaardigd. Door het beperkte aantal worden ze op bestelling geleverd waardoor de levertijd iets langer is. We proberen ze echter zo veel mogelijk op voorraad te houden.
- Dragonsite Zeemeermin "Aquamarine"
Dragonsite Zeemeermin "Aquamarine" by Nene Thomas hg 15.6 cm
€ 37,50 - Earth Moon
From the dreamlike imagination of leading fantasy and fairy artist Nene Thomas, this magical fairy figurine is available as a part of the world of art and craft Premium wholesale alternative giftware collection. Sitting on a…
€ 75,00 - Fire Moon
Available as a part of the world of art and craft Premium high-quality giftware selection, this exquisite figurine comes from the enchanted imagination of world-famous fantasy artist Nene Thomas. Sitting in the curve of a crescent…
€ 75,00 - Moon Amethyst
From the enchanted imagination of world-renowned fantasy and fairy artist Nene Thomas, this exquisite fairy statuette is available as a part of the world of art and craft Premium wholesale giftware collection. Sitting on a…
€ 75,00 - Moon Indigo
From the magical imagination of internationally renowned fantasy artist Nene Thomas, this beautiful fairy figurine is available as a part of the world of art and craft high-quality wholesale collection. Sitting on a crescent moon,…
€ 75,00 - Wind Moon
From the magical imagination of internationally renowned fantasy artist Nene Thomas, this enchanting fairy figurine is available as a part of the world of art and craft Premium wholesale giftware collection. Sitting on the curve…
€ 75,00